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Dell PowerStore Importing External Storage to PowerStore Guide

Host reboot during a non-disruptive import

An unplanned host reboot during import is possible. In the case of a non-disruptive import, the import process handles this case. If the import has progressed beyond the cutover step, import continues. If it has not, the import rolls back, which means the import gets automatically canceled and I/Os continue go to the source. These actions apply to both stand alone and host clusters. I/O failures may occur due to the host reboot, which is more likely in the stand-alone host case since, in the host-cluster case, the surviving node takes over. However, I/O failures may occur even without any ongoing import sessions.

It is possible that in some configurations, for example, iSCSI, the automatic login is not enabled. Also, the host to source SAN paths, as described in Import network overview, are not live after reboot. In such cases, this connection must be set up before cancel can be initiated. However, imports may continue because these SAN paths are not used during import. For example, in a Windows-based host with iSCSI connections, you must enable the option to add the connection to favorite targets to ensure that the iSCSI connections are reestablished after any reboot.


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