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Dell PowerStore Importing External Storage to PowerStore Guide

Manage file-based import sessions

About this task

A file-based import session runs as a background job and establishes an end-to-end path for an import operation between a source and destination. The data follows the path as it moves from source to destination.


  1. Under Migration, select Import External Storage.
    The Import External Storage page appears and lists information about the existing remote systems and their import capability.
  2. Select the File Imports tab.
    Information about the existing file import sessions is listed.
  3. Perform one of the following file import actions:
    NOTE:The import actions that can be performed on a file import session depend on the current state of the import session.
    Cancel Select a file import session and under Import Actions, select Cancel. Cancel is allowed at any state of the file import session except Completed, Failed, Cancelling and Cancelled.
    NOTE:The source system is cleaned up, the destination NAS server and all imported objects including file systems are deleted. When cancel is complete, the state of the file import session is changed to Cancelled, which is a terminal state. Cancel can be forced if the source system is unresponsive.
    Cutover Select a file import session and under Import Actions, select Cutover to cut over a file import session. You can cut over an import session that is in the Ready For Cutover state.
    NOTE:When the NAS server is cut over successfully, the state of the file import session is set to Ready To Commit. Cutover may cause a temporary data unavailability to the NAS clients. During cut over, the production file interfaces are disabled on the source system and are enabled on the destination system. In the case of SMB import, the switch over is disruptive for the clients and the Active Directory configuration is imported if needed. In the case of NFS import, the switch over is transparent as file handles are preserved, NLM locks are reclaimed on the destination.
    Commit Select a file import session and under Import Actions, select Commit to commit the file import session. You can commit a file import session that is in the Ready For Commit state.
    Pause Select a file import session and under Import Actions, select Pause. Use Pause to pause an import session that is in the Copy In Progress state during Initial Copy or Incremental Copy operations.
    NOTE:Background data transfer stops, but I/O to the source continues in the file import session during Incremental_Copy. A paused import session can be resumed or cancelled. When a user tries to pause an import session when an incremental copy is about to complete, the session can be transitioned automatically from the Paused state to the Ready For Commit state without the user having to resume the import session. The Ready For Commit state is equivalent to the Paused state in terms of the load on the source system.
    Resume Select a file import session and under Import Actions, select Resume. Use Resume to start an import session that is in the Paused state.
    Delete Select a file import session and under Import Actions, select Delete. Use Delete to delete a file import session that is in the Completed or Cancelled state.
    NOTE:Delete removes the historical record of the import. To stop active file import sessions, use Cancel before deleting.
    NOTE:If import of a source VDM is in progress and a disaster occurs making the source system unusable or unreachable, you may need to contact your service provider to recover the source system involved in the import.


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