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Dell Wyse ThinOS Version 8.5 Hotfix INI Reference Guide


System variables

The following table contains the system variables you can use with some options of the connect parameter:
Table 1. System variablesThe following table lists the system variables:
Option Value
$SN Serial number used.
$MAC MAC address used.
$IP IP Address used.
$IPOCT4 The fourth octet of IP Address, for example, if IP is, then the fourth octet is 15.
$TN Terminal name.
$PF Platform name—The first part of image name xxx_wnos, for example, R10L.
$UN Sign-on name used.
$PW Sign-on password used.
$DN Sign-on domain name used.
$FIP IP address used in fixed format with 3 digits between separators, for example, Using it in conjunction with the left/right modifier helps to define policy for subnet.

For example, include=&Left($FIP,11).ini is specified to include file 010.020.030.ini for subnet 010.020.030.xxx.

$WPUN PEAP/MSCHAPv2 username used (802.1x dependent).
$WPPW PEAP/MSCHAPv2 password used (802.1x dependent).
$WPDN PEAP/MSCHAPv2 domain used (802.1x dependent).
$DHCP (extra_dhcp_option) Extra DHCP options for Windows CE unit, including 169, 140, 141, 166, 167. For example, set a string test169 for option tag 169 in DHCP server, and set TerminalName=$DHCP(169) in wnos.ini. Check terminal name in GUI, and the terminal name will be test169. 166 and 167 is default for CCM MQTT Server and CCM CA Validation in ThinOS. So you need to remap the options from GUI or INI if you want to use $DHCP(166) and/or $DHCP(167).
$SUBNET Specifies Subnet notation. The format is {network_address}_{network_mask_bits}. For example, if the IP address is, and the network mask is, then is used.
&Right($xx, i) or &Left($xx, i)

Specifies whether the variable is to be read from left or right. The $xx is any of the above parameters. The parameter i specifies left or right offset digits.

The combinations of all the above variables, such as CTX&Right($IP,4)@&Left($UN,3) are supported. A replacement $SYS_VAR is used if the statements or parameters support.


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