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Dell Wyse ThinOS Version 8.5 Hotfix INI Reference Guide


Working with $MAC.ini Files

A $MAC.ini file can be used for device-specific configurations. If the thin client locates a wnos.ini file, then the wnos.ini file is processed and if the Include=$MAC.ini statement is included, then the $MAC.ini file is processed. The $MAC.ini file is stored in the same directory as a wnos.ini file if you are not using a WNOS.INI file, otherwise the files should be stored in the INC directory.

NOTE:The placement of the include=$MAC.ini parameter within the wnos.ini file will dictate which value will take priority for a same specific parameter that is contained in both the wnos.ini file and the $MAC.ini file but is defined differently, that is different values for the same parameter.
For example, if the wnos.ini file has parameterA=valueRED, and the $MAC.ini file has parameterA=valueBLUE, then:
  • If the parameter include=$MAC.ini is added in the wnos.ini file before the parameterA=valueBLUE statement, then parameterA=valueRED is discarded and parameterA=valueBLUE is used.
  • If the parameter include=$MAC.ini is included in the wnos.ini file after the parameterA=valueBLUE statement, then the parameterA=valueBLUE is discarded and parameterA=valueRED is used.


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