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Dell Wyse ThinOS Version 8.5 Hotfix INI Reference Guide


Working with {username}. ini files

A {username}.ini file contains the user-specific or user profile parameters you want that will comprise the connection profile for an individual user. These parameters will affect only the user you specify. Parameters in General Settings for wnos.ini Files, {username} INI, and $MAC INI Files.


User profile parameters found in the {username}.ini file, generally override the identically named global parameters found in the wnos.ini file, however, some global parameters do not allow this. For hierarchical precedence of one variable over another, refer to the parameter descriptions in Connection Settings: wnos.ini files, {username} INI, and $MAC INI Files can be used in a {username}.ini file.

If both PNAgent/PNLite and a user profile are being used in the environment, the username must be defined in the Windows domain, and the password used must be the same for both the Windows domain and the user.


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