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Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Version 8.5 Command Line Interface Guide


Adding acquisition information

Acquisition refers to the facts about a business entity's purchase or lease of a system. Use the omconfig system assetinfo info=acquisition or omconfig servermodule assetinfo info=acquisition command to add detailed information about the purchase or lease of a system. The following table displays the valid parameters for the command:

Table 1. Valid Parameters Of omconfig system assetinfo info=acquisition or omconfig servermodule assetinfo info=acquisition . The following table describes the valid parameters for the command in the order of command level 1, level 2, level 3, name and value pair 1, name and value pair 2, and then the description.
Command Level 1 Command Level 2 Command Level 3 Name= Value Pair 1 Name= Value Pair 2 Description
omconfig system or servermodule assetinfo info=acquisition costcenter=< text> The name or code for the business entity that acquired the system.
        expensed=yes | no Whether the system is charged to a specific purpose or department such as research and development or sales.
        installdate=< mmddyy> Date the system was put to service.
        ponum=< n> Number of the document that authorized payment for the system.
        purchasecost=< n> Price the owner paid for the system.
        purchasedate=< mmddyy> Date the owner purchased the system.
        signauth=< text> Name of the person who approved the purchase or the service call on the system.
        waybill=< n> Receipt from the carrier for the goods received.

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