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Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Version 8.5 Command Line Interface Guide


Omconfig controller commands

The following table provides the omconfig command syntax required to execute controller tasks.

  • CAUTION: The omconfig storage controller action=resetconfig controller=id resets the controller configuration. Resetting the controller configuration permanently destroys all data on all virtual disks attached to the controller. System or boot partition residing on these virtual disks is destroyed.
  • NOTE: If the PERC hardware controller is running in HBA mode, you can perform only one action, exporting the log ( action=exportlog).
Table 1. omconfig Controller Commands . The following table provides the omconfig command syntax required to execute controller tasks.
Required Command Levels (1, 2, 3) Optional name=value pairs
omconfig storage controller action=rescan controller=id
  action=enablealarm controller=id
  action=disablealarm controller=id
  action=quietalarm controller=id
  action=testalarm controller=id
  action=resetconfig controller=id [force=yes]

action=createvdisk controller=id raid=<c | r0 | r1| r1c | r5 | r6 | r10 | r50 | r60> size=<number | b | m | g | max | min> pdisk=<PDISKID> [stripesize=< 2kb | 4kb | 8kb | 16kb | 32kb | 64kb | 128kb | 256kb | 512kb | 1mb >] [cachepolicy=<d | c>] [readpolicy=<ra | nra | ara | rc | nrc>] [writepolicy=<wb | wt | wc | nwc | fwb>] [diskcachepolicy=<default | disabled | enabled>] [name=<string>] [spanlength=<n>] | [secureflag=yes] [vdpienabled=yes]

  • NOTE: For RAID 10 on SAS controllers with firmware version 6.1 and later, spanlength is an optional parameter (default=2).
  action=setrebuildrate controller=id rate=<0 to 100>
  action=setchangecontrollerproperties controller=<id> [bgirate=<rate>][reconstructrate=<rate>][checkconsistencyrate=<rate>][rebuildrate=<rate>][clearredundantpath=clear] [rate=<0 to 100>] [abortcheckconsistencyonerror=<enabled/disabled>][loadbalance=<auto/disabled>][allowrevertiblehotspareandreplacemember=enabled/disabled] [autoreplacememberonpredictivefailure=<enabled/disabled>] [persistenthotspare=enabled/disabled][nrdiskcachepolicy=<enabled/disabled/unchanged>]
  action=discardpreservedcache controller=id force=<enabled/disabled>

action=createsecuritykey controller=id keyid=<keyid> passphrase=<passphrase string> [escrow=yes] [filepath=<Absolute path to the escrow file>]

  • NOTE: If you set escrow=yes, specify the escrow file path.

action=changesecuritykey controller=id keyid=<keyid> passphrase=<passphrase string> oldpassphrase=<oldpassphrase string> [escrow=yes] [filepath=<Absolute path to the escrow file>]

  • NOTE: If you set escrow=yes, specify the escrow file path.
  action=deletesecuritykey controller=id
  action=setbgirate controller=id rate=<0 to 100 >
  action=setreconstructrate controller=id rate=<0 to 100>
  action=setcheckconsistencyrate controller=id rate=<0 to 100>
  action=exportlog controller=id
  action=importsecureforeignconfig controller=id passphrase=<passphrase for imported foreign configuration>
  action=importforeignconfig controller=id
  action=importrecoverforeignconfig controller=id
  action=clearforeignconfig controller=id

action=setpdiskpwrmanagement controller=id spindownunconfigureddrives=<enabled/disabled> spindownhotspares=<enabled/disabled> spindownconfigureddrives=<enabled/disabled> idlec=<enabled/disabled> spindowntimeinterval=<30 to 1440>(minutes) spinupstarttime=<HH:MM:AM/PM> spinuptimeinterval=<1 to 24>(hours)

  • NOTE: Specify spinupstarttime and spinuptimeinterval only when you set spindownconfigureddrives=enabled.
  action=setcontrollermode controller=id mode=<raid | hba>
  action=autoconfigureRAID0 controller=id
  action=setpatrolreadmode controller=id mode=<manual | auto | disable>
  action=startpatrolread controller=id
  action=stoppatrolread controller=id
  action=createcachecade controller=id pdisk=<PDISKID> [name=<string>]

action=enablelkm controller=id keyid=<keyid> passphrase=<passphrase string> [escrow=yes] [filepath=<Absolute path to the escrow file>]

  • NOTE: If you set escrow=yes, specify the escrow file path.

action=switchtolkm controller=id keyid=<keyid> passphrase=<passphrase string> [escrow=yes] [filepath=<Absolute path to the escrow file>]

  • NOTE: If you set escrow=yes, specify the escrow file path.
  action=rekeylkm controller=id
  action=convertraidtononraid controller=id pdisk=<PDISKID>
  action=convertnonraidtoraid controller=id pdisk=<PDISKID>

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