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  • Szybkie i łatwe składanie zamówień
  • Wyświetlanie zamówień i śledzenie stanu wysyłki
  • Tworzenie i dostęp do listy produktów
  • Na firmowej stronie administracji możesz zarządzać witrynami, produktami i danymi kontaktowymi firmy Dell EMC.

Server Administrator Version 7.4 Installation Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

What ports do systems management applications use?

The default port used by Server Administrator is 1311. These ports are configurable. For port information of a particular component, see the User Guide of that respective component.

When I run virtual media on the DRAC controller over a Wide Area Network (WAN) with low bandwidth and latency, launching Systems Management Install directly on the virtual media failed, what do I do?

Copy the web install package to the local system and then launch systems management Install.

Do I need to uninstall the Adaptec Fast Console application installed on the system before installing the Server Administrator Storage Management Service?

Yes, if you already have Adaptec Fast Console installed on the system, you must uninstall this application before installing the Server Administrator Storage Management Service.

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