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Dell Lifecycle Controller GUI v2.30.30.30 User's Guide

Part replacement configuration

Use the Part Replacement feature to automatically update a new part to the firmware version or the configuration of the replaced part, or both. The update occurs automatically when you reboot your system after replacing the part. It is activated through a license, and can be disabled remotely using Lifecycle Controller-Remote Services, or through the Lifecycle Controller.

  • NOTE: The Part Replacement feature is licensed. Acquire the license to enable the feature. For more information on acquiring and using the licenses, see Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) User’s Guide at
  • NOTE: Part replacement does not support RAID operations such as resetting configuration, recreating VDs, setting controller key, or changing controller mode.

On PowerEdge FD332 servers, part replacement is not supported if a single PERC is replaced with a dual PERC or vice versa.

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