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Dell Command | Monitor Version 9.1 Installation Guide


Before installing Dell Command | Monitor , ensure that:
  • The target system is a Dell manufactured system with System Management Basic Input Output System (SMBIOS) version 2.3 or later. Otherwise, the Dell Command | Monitor version 9.1 installer exits without installing.
    • NOTE: To view the SMBIOS version of the system, go to Start > Run , and run the msinfo32.exe file. Check for the SMBIOS version in System Summary page.
  • The system is running a supported Microsoft Windows operating system. For more information, on supported Microsoft Windows operating systems, see Supported operating systems .
  • The .NET Framework 4.0 or later is installed.
  • You have administrative privileges on the client system. This means that you must be authenticated on the client system as a user who is a member of the Administrators group, typically the Administrator.

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