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Dell PowerEdge RAID Controller 11 User’s Guide PERC H755, H750, H355, and H350 Controller Series

Automatic Replace Member with predicted failure

A replace member operation can occur when there is a SMART predictive failure reporting on a physical disk in a virtual disk. The automatic replace member is initiated when the first SMART error occurs on a physical disk that is part of a virtual disk. The target disk needs to be a hot spare that qualifies as a rebuild disk. The physical disk with the SMART error is marked as failed only after the successful completion of the replace member. This prevents the array from reaching degraded state.

If an automatic replace member occurs using a source disk that was originally a hot spare (that was used in a rebuild), and a new disk is added and set as a target disk for the replace member operation, the hot spare drive will revert to the hot spare state after the replace member operation successfully completes.

NOTE:To enable automatic replace member, use the Dell storage management application.


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