Why We Need to Encourage Children to Imagine the ‘Science Fiction’

The Institute for the Future and Dell Technologies are exploring emerging technologies as they intersect with evolving social and economic forces to define the future of work. See how children in Mumbai react to classroom visitors as they learn the possibilities of careers not yet created.

As Dhruv looks to the future, he is excited to channel his passion for dancing and study to become a choreographer. His classmate Nyssa aspires to become an actress. What these students don’t know is that their teacher has quite the surprise in store for their career discussion.

Four professionals from the year 2030 traveled in time to visit their classroom in Mumbai, India. At first glance, the guests appear to be a pilot, doctor, solider and writer. The students quickly learn that some career paths thought to exist only in science fiction are becoming a reality.

See how the children react as they learn the visitors’ actual jobs: commercial space pilot, weather modification police, memory augmentation surgeon and chief of collaboration for humans and machines. Learn how the Institute for the Future and Dell Technologies are exploring emerging technologies as they intersect with evolving social and economic forces to define the future of work.

Thanks to Dell India for sharing this inspirational video.