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How to Cancel Consumer Subscription Support Services

Summary: Learn how to cancel Dell consumer subscription support services such as Premium Support. Follow simple steps to end your subscription.

Αυτό το άρθρο ισχύει για Αυτό το άρθρο δεν ισχύει για Αυτό το άρθρο δεν συνδέεται με κάποιο συγκεκριμένο προϊόν. Δεν προσδιορίζονται όλες οι εκδόσεις προϊόντων σε αυτό το άρθρο.


Note: Screenshots are provided in English but the experience is localized as per your current location.

You can cancel Subscriptions using the following two methods:

  1. Cancel Subscription Using Dell Digital Locker
  2. Cancel Subscription Using Dell Account

Cancel Subscription Using Dell Digital Locker

Note: The Dell Digital Locker cancellation process only works for Premium, Premium Support Plus, and APEX Device Manage services subscription cancellation. For cancellation of ProSupport, ProSupport Plus, or ProSupport Flex subscriptions, contact Dell Customer Care from Order Support.
  1. Go to Dell Digital Locker page. Click the Sign In button to sign into your Dell My Account using the email address used at the time of the purchase of the Dell Product.
    Log in to Dell Digital Locker
  2. Once you log in to the Dell Digital Locker, Dell Digital Locker displays a dashboard of products and services purchased.
    Dell Digital Locker Dashboard
  3. Click Subscriptions. The dashboard displays the hardware and software subscriptions purchased on your Dell Products.
    Click the subscription Tab
  4. Click the Action button on the Consumer Subscription Services which needs cancellation, and then click Manage Subscriptions.
    Click on Actions and then Click Manage Subscriptions
  5. Subscription detail of your Dell Product is displayed. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the Service Tag. Click the Service Tag number.
    Click on service tag at the Bottom of Page
  6. The subscription product details page displays the subscription service details, Service tag, bill plan of your Dell Product. Click the Cancel button to cancel the subscription service.
    Click on Cancel Button
    Note: The cancel button is displayed only if the subscription is eligible for cancellation. If the subscription has been previously cancelled, the Cancel button is not shown.
  7. Once the cancellation is complete, there is a confirmation displayed on the page.
    Cancel Warranty

Cancel Subscription Using Dell Account

  1. Go to Dell Account page. Click the Sign In button to sign into your Dell Account using the email address used at the time of the purchase of the Dell Product or your Dell Account email address and password.
    Dell Account Sign In Page
  2. Once you log in to the Dell Account, the home page displays a dashboard of products and services purchased, Account details, Rewards, and so on. Click Subscriptions from the left panel.
    Click Subscriptions
  3. Click Manage Subscriptions and then click View.
    Manage Subscriptions
  4. The dashboard displays the hardware and software subscriptions purchased on your Dell Products.
    Dell Account Dashboard
  5. Click the Action button on the Consumer Subscription Services which needs cancellation, and then click Manage Subscriptions. You can also click Consumer Subscription Services.
    Click Manage Subscriptions or Consumer Subscription Services
  6. Subscription detail of your Dell Product is displayed. Click the Update/Cancel button.
    Subscription detail of your Dell Product
  7. The subscription product details page displays the subscription service details, Service tag, bill plan of your Dell Product. Click the Cancel button to cancel the Subscription.
    Click Cancel Button
    Note: The cancel button is displayed only if the subscription is eligible for cancellation. If the subscription has been previously cancelled, the Cancel button is not shown.

Additional Information

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Ιδιότητες άρθρου
Article Number: 000126747
Article Type: How To
Τελευταία τροποποίηση: 23 Οκτ 2024
Version:  21
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