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Ubuntu 14.04 and ATI AMD Un-Supported Video Graphics Adapter Drivers Information

Summary: Ubuntu 14.04 with kernel 4.4 and ATI AMD Video driver fix.

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This article contains information about the ATI AMD video adapters and Ubuntu 14.04 support.

ATI AMD Video Adapters

Systems with ATI AMD video adapters that have Ubuntu 14.04 with kernel 4.4 or newer installed on the system. May have an issue where the user tries to log in and the system will loop back to the login screen or provide no video on boot.

Ubuntu will not support what ATI AMD has dropped its support for, but will leave it up to the open-source community to create and maintain a video driver.

This will affect:

  • Ubuntu 14.04 with kernel 4.4
  • Ubuntu 16.04 with kernel 4.4
  • Future versions of Ubuntu with kernel 4.4

The following methods should fix this behavior.

If you cannot log in, then try the following:

  1. Boot the system up to the Login Screen.
  2. Press CTRL ALT F1 to enter terminal.
  3. Enter Login Credentials.
  4. Enter the command (Figure 1): sudo apt-get purge fglr
    Figure 1
  5. Reboot the system.

If no video at login you can attempt to go to the command line or boot to recovery mode.

  1. During boot (immediately after the DELL logo disappears) press ESC once to load to grub list.
  2. Select Advanced Boot Menu to create a user by command line or:
    1. Loading to recovery mode.
    2. Selected root.
    3. Enter root shell prompt.
    4. Press Enter for maintainers.
    5. Now at the command line, enter command: clear
    6. If the screen looks like it clutters again, type in the command: clear
    7. Enter the command (Figure 1): sudo apt-get purge fglr

Once the fglr module is purged, the mesa graphics drivers that are provided by the kernel will load on next boot and leverage those modules to drive the graphics card.

More information about this issue can be found in the following links: SLN306555_en_US__2iC_External_Link_BD_v1 (This link contains information about Supported and Un-Supported video cards.) SLN306555_en_US__2iC_External_Link_BD_v1
How-To Install/Uninstall AMD Radeon Software AMDGPU-PRO Driver for Linux on an Ubuntu System SLN306555_en_US__2iC_External_Link_BD_v1

Article Properties
Article Number: 000131806
Article Type: Solution
Last Modified: 21 Feb 2021
Version:  3
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