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How to generate and collect Support bundles in DELL EMC Networking OS10 Switches

Summary: How to generate and collect Support bundles in DELL EMC Networking OS10 Switches.

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What is a Support Bundle?
How to Generate a Support Bundle
Where is the Support Bundle Stored?
How to Verify the Support Bundle Generation has Started
How to Verify the Support Bundle Generation is Complete
How to Retrieve the Support Bundle from the Switch
Delete an Existing Support Bundle


What is a Support Bundle?

The support bundle is based on the sosreport tool. The support bundle generates a tar file that includes the Linux system configuration and diagnostics information, and show command outputs. Dell Technical support agents need a support bundle for detailed analysis.

How to Generate a Support Bundle

Run the following command in EXEC mode:

  • Use the following command for OS10 version and later:
    OS10# generate support-bundle
  • Any OS10 version before, use the following command:
    OS10# generate support-bundle enable-all-plugin-options

Do not try to generate another support bundle if you did not see that the bundle generated immediately after the command execution. Support bundle generation takes some time (may be more than 15 Minutes).

Where is the Support Bundle Stored?

Support bundle is stored in the supportbundle directory. To view the contents, use the following command:

OS10# dir supportbundle

Sample output:

OS10# dir supportbundle
Directory contents for folder: supportbundle
Date (modified)        Size (bytes)  Name
---------------------  ------------  ------------------------------------------
2020-01-12T19:34:21Z   8070044       sosreport-OS10-20200112193142.tar.xz
2020-01-12T19:34:27Z   33            sosreport-OS10-20200112193142.tar.xz.md5

How to Verify the Support Bundle Generation has Started

During support bundle generation, we see a random file that is generated in the supportbundle directory. You must wait until the generation process is complete.

Sample output

OS10# dir supportbundle
Directory contents for folder: supportbundle
Date (modified)        Size (bytes)  Name
---------------------  ------------  ------------------------------------------
2020-01-13T09:17:12Z   3932160       _proc_sys.tar     <<<This is not the complete file. This files size increases during support bundle generation.

When support bundle generation starts, it is logged.

Sample output

OS10# show logging log-file | grep "SUPPORT_BUNDLE_STARTED"
<165>1 2020-01-12T19:31:11.808623+00:00 OS10 dn_svc_sw 832 - - Node.1-Unit.1:PRI [event], Dell EMC (OS10) %SUPPORT_BUNDLE_STARTED: generate support-bundle execution has started successfully:All Plugin options enabled

How to Verify the Support Bundle Generation is Complete

After support bundle generation, there are two files in the support bundle directory; one is the support bundle file and the other is a file with md5 extension. The md5 file is a checksum file that is used to verify the integrity of bundle file. Send both of the files to Technical Support.

Sample output

OS10# dir supportbundle
Directory contents for folder: supportbundle
Date (modified)        Size (bytes)  Name
---------------------  ------------  ------------------------------------------
2020-01-12T19:34:21Z   8070044       sosreport-OS10-20200112193142.tar.xz     <<<Support bundle file
2020-01-12T19:34:27Z   33            sosreport-OS10-20200112193142.tar.xz.md5     <<<Md5 checksum file

In the above example, sosreport-OS10-20200112193142.tar.xz is the support bundle file and sosreport-OS10-20200112193142.tar.xz.md5 is its md5 checksum file.

When support bundle generation is complete, it is logged.

Sample output

OS10# show logging log-file | grep "BUNDLE_COMPLETED"
<165>1 2020-01-12T19:34:27.831211+00:00 OS10 dn_svc_sw 832 - - Node.1-Unit.1:PRI [event], Dell EMC (OS10) %SUPPORT_BUNDLE_COMPLETED: generate support-bundle execution has completed successfully:All Plugin options enabled

How to Retrieve Support Bundle from the Switch.

You can use ftp, http, https, scp, sftp, tftp, or usb to collect the support-bundle, or you can use system bash to scp the support bundle to a local node in the rack to download over WinSCP.

Use the following command from the switch prompt:

OS10# copy supportbundle://sosreport-OS10- file-number.tar.xz XXXX://server-address/path commands

Where XXXX = ftp, http, https, scp, sftp, or tftp. If you are using USB, format it in FAT32.

Sample output

OS10#copy supportbundle://sosreport-OS10-20200112193142.tar.xz tftp://

Use the following commands for system bash:

  • system bash
  • ls -ltrh /var/opt/dell/os10/support_bundle/bundle/
  • sudo scp /var/opt/dell/os10/support_bundle/bundle/sosreport* <user>@<node IP>:/target/dir
    • Then enter correct passwords when prompted

Sample output

OS10# system bash
admin@OS10:~$ ls -ltrh /var/opt/dell/os10/support_bundle/bundle/
total 12M
-rw------- 1 root root 12M Nov  6 19:47 sosreport-os10-20241106194507.tar.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  33 Nov  6 19:47 sosreport-os10-20241106194507.tar.xz.md5
admin@OS10:~$ sudo scp /var/opt/dell/os10/support_bundle/bundle/sosreport* admin@
[sudo] password for admin:
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:SObGGFqgOZ4nY8np1sYvobZAHw2F96Goi7rdzHS+jQU.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
sosreport-os10-20241106194507.tar.xz                                                                                                      100%   12MB   1.6MB/s   00:07
sosreport-os10-20241106194507.tar.xz.md5                                                                                                  100%   33     4.1KB/s   00:00

Delete an Existing Support Bundle

Support bundle may consume some space from your switch storage. Hence, after retrieving the bundle, you can delete it. Use the following command:

OS10# delete supportbundle://sosreport- filename.tar.extention

Sample output

OS10#delete supportbundle://sosreport-OS10-20200112193142.tar.xz


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Article Properties
Article Number: 000132936
Article Type: How To
Last Modified: 06 Dec 2024
Version:  6
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