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VPLEX: How to reboot the VPLEX management server.

Summary: This article talks about being unable to contact the management server during a maintenance activity. DHCP server is not working. Static IP address on the laptop does not allow contact to the management server. The workaround is to reboot the management server. ...

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  • How to reboot the VPLEX management server.
  • Unable to contact the management server during a maintenance activity.

The field was following the SolVe procedure for replacing the management server and were not able to receive the correct IP address from the Management Server Service Port (Red Cable). Instead receiving address 128.221.252.x the laptop showed IP address with netmask

Using a static IP address on the laptop did not resolve the issue.

DHCP server on the management server is not working. When setting a static IP address on the laptop does not allow the contact to the management server, the workaround is to reboot the management server. 

Warning!!: Before rebooting, advise users working on the VPLEX GUI or CLI to stop any configuration change activity while the management server is being rebooted. Takes approximately five minutes.


Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is not responding or is assigning an incorrect address when connecting a laptop on the service LAN Port (eth1) RED Cable



First advise users working on the VPLEX GUI or CLI to stop any configuration change activity while the management server is being rebooted. 

Next, reboot the VPLEX management server.

From the Linux shell prompt, issue the following command:
sudo /sbin/reboot

Login as: service
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.

service@ManagementServer:~> sudo /sbin/reboot

Broadcast message from root (pts/1) (Wed Sep 11 15:23:21 2018):
The system is going down for reboot NOW!


If you are not able to access the management server contact Dell EMC Customer Support for further assistance. Mention this article.

Additional Information

VS2 Mgmt server: 

VS6 Management Server (MMCS)

VS6 Component Location:
VS6 MMCS (Mgmt Server) Service Port:

                     This module is flipped for the MMCS-B so the
                      service port is on the opposite side.

VS6 MMCS Service port cable (Red):

The red Ethernet service cable is connected to MMCS-A on Engine-1 of the cluster. If MMCS-A is faulty and is being replaced, temporarily transfer the service cable from MMCS-A and insert it in the service port on MMCS-B. Refer to the VS6 MMCS replacement procedure,  available from SolVe Desktop or Online.


Affected Products

VPLEX Series


Article Properties
Article Number: 000165693
Article Type: Solution
Last Modified: 18 Mar 2021
Version:  3
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