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How to Build and Create Reports in OpenManage Enterprise

Summary: Systems Management How to Video that Provides an Overview on Building and Creating Reports in OpenManage Enterprise

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The following video covers how to build and run reports in OpenManage Enterprise.
Reporting features allows you to create multiple report types such as Warranty, Inventory and Query.

Link to the Dell Technologies YouTube channel video:
OpenManage Enterprise Reports

OM Enterprise Reports:

Report Feature:
On the OpenManage Enterprise > Monitor > Reports page, you can use the integrated reports or create Custom reports.  Reports enable you to collate and view data about the alerts, devices, groups, jobs, and servers.
  • Create a report using up to 20 filters.
  • Run and download the report.
  • Run and Email the report to up to 20-30 recipients at a time.
  • Edit the Custom reports
  • Use Schedule and Options to automatically execute a report at selected date and time and to select if the report would be emailed or saved to the internal share.
  • Copy an existing custom report to create and customize a new report.
  • Delete the custom reports from the Reports page.
  • Export content of the selected reports to HTML, CSV, or PDF.
  • View the scheduled date and time of the Scheduled reports or to delete the scheduling.
  • Use the Advanced Filters to list the reports as desired.
  • An audit log entry is made whenever you Run, Edit, Delete, or Copy a report.
  • If you feel that report generation is taking time, you can stop the process.
  • The reports generated are automatically translated to the language which is set while installing OpenManage Enterprise.
  • The right pane displays the details such as Fields in the report, Last Run Date, Last Run Duration, Last Run By, Last Edited By, Schedule, Format, and delivery options (email recipients / network share) of the selected report.
NOTE: Definitions and criteria used for a Built-in report cannot be edited or deleted.

ACTION: Run a report

  • Select the report and click Run
  • The report details will be displayed once the report runs

Download the report results:

  • Click Download.
  • You can export a report to XML, PDF, Excel, and CSV file formats.
  • Click Finish.

Email the report results:

  • Click Email.
  • In the Email Report dialog box, select the file format and type the receiver's email address.
  • Click Finish.
NOTE:  If you are downloading or running a report that is already generated, and another user tries to delete that report at the same time, both the tasks are successfully completed.

Custom reports:

Custom Reports Workflow:

  1. Click Reports > Create.
  2. In the Report Definition dialog box:
    1. Type the name and description of the new report to be defined.
    2. Click Next.
  3. In the Report Builder section:
    1. From the Category drop-down menu, select the report category.
      1. If you select Device as the category, select the device group also.
      2. If necessary, edit the filter criteria.
    2. Under the Select Columns section, select the check boxes of the fields that must appear as the report columns.  Selected field names are displayed in the Column Order section.
    3. You can customize the report by
      1. Using the Sort by and Direction boxes.
      2. Dragging the fields either up or down in the Column Order section.
  4. Click Finish.
The report is generated and listed in the list of reports. You can export report for analytical purposes.
NOTE:  An audit log entry is made whenever you generate, edit, delete, or copy a report definition.

Query Criteria when creating a custom report:

 Define filters while creating query criteria for:
● Generating customized reports.
● Creating Query-based device groups under the CUSTOM GROUPS.
Define the query criteria by using two options:
● Select existing query to copy: By default, OpenManage Enterprise provides a list of built-in query templates that you can copy and build your own query criteria. A maximum of 20 criteria (filters) can be used while defining a query. To add filters, you must select from the Select Type drop-down menu.
● Select type: Build query criteria from scratch using attributes listed in this drop-down menu. Items in the menu depend on the devices monitored by OpenManage Enterprise. When a query type is selected, only appropriate operators such as =, >, <, and null are displayed based on the query type. This method is recommended for defining query criteria in building customized reports.
NOTE: When evaluating a query with multiple conditions, the order of evaluation is same as SQL. To specify a particular order for the evaluation of the conditions, add or remove parenthesis when defining the query.
NOTE: When selected, the filters of an existing query criteria are copied only virtually to build a new query criteria. The default filters associated with an existing query criteria is not changed. The definition (filters) of a built-in query criteria is used as a starting point for building a customized query criteria.
For example:
1. Query1 is a built-in query criteria that has the following predefined filter: Task Enabled=Yes.
2. Copy the filter properties of Query1, create Query2, and then customize the query criteria by adding another filter: Task Enabled=Yes AND (Task Type=Discovery).
3. Later, open Query1. Its filter criteria still remains as Task Enabled=Yes.

Custom CriteriaWorkflow:

 1. In the Query Criteria Selection dialog box, select from the drop-down menu based on whether you want to create a query criteria for Query groups or for report generation.
2. Add or remove a filter by clicking the plus or dustbin symbol respectively.
3. Click Finish.
NOTE: A query criteria is generated and saved in the list of existing queries. An audit log entry is made and displayed in the Audit logs list.

Affected Products

Dell OpenManage Enterprise, Dell EMC OpenManage Enterprise
Article Properties
Article Number: 000183968
Article Type: How To
Last Modified: 19 Dec 2022
Version:  5
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