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Active System Manager Release 8.2 Installation Guide


Information Prerequisites

Before you begin the installation process:

  • Gather the TCP/IP address information to assign to the virtual appliance.

  • Ensure that the VMware vCenter server and VMware vSphere client are running, if you are deploying the ASM virtual appliance in a VMware vSphere environment.

  • Deploying the ASM virtual appliance to a Microsoft Windows virtualization environment requires that the hyper-v host on which ASM will be deployed is installed on a running instance of SCVMM.

  • Download ASM appliance file, which contains either the virtual appliance .ovf file for (VMware) or the virtual appliance virtual hard drive .vhd (Hyper-V).

  • Determine the host on which the ASM virtual appliance will be installed. You can use any host managed by VMware vCenter or Hyper-V manager that has network connectivity with your out-of-band (OOB), management, and potentially iSCSI networks. This is required for discovery to complete successfully.

  • CAUTION: ASM virtual appliance functions as a regular virtual machine. Therefore, any interruptions or shut downs affects the overall functionality.

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