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Dell SupportAssist OS Recovery User’s Guide

Configure wireless network


The wireless modem or router must be turned on and placed near the computer for easy detection.


  1. Click the network icon on the header of the SupportAssist OS Recovery home page, and then click CONNECT.
    The NETWORK page is displayed.
  2. Select Wireless.
    NOTE:If your device is unable to detect a wireless network adapter, an error message is displayed. To resolve the issue, verify if the wireless network adapter is disabled in your computer settings.
    A list of all the available wireless networks is displayed.
  3. Select the wireless network that you want to configure and connect.
    • If you select a secured network, enter the corresponding network security key, and then click CONNECT.
    • If you select a public Wi-Fi network, read the terms of service, and then click ACCEPT AND CONNECT.
    • If you want to connect to a hidden Wi-Fi network, select Add Wifi, enter the network SSID and security key, and then click CONNECT.
    NOTE:If you want SupportAssist OS Recovery to connect automatically to the selected wireless network, select the Connect automatically check box.
    The selected wireless network is configured in SupportAssist OS Recovery, and the Connected status is displayed.
  4. Click DONE.

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