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Dell SupportAssist OS Recovery User’s Guide

Run diagnostics test for hardware issues

The SCAN HARDWARE option in SupportAssist OS Recovery helps you to diagnose hardware issues that are related to battery, cable, hard drive, keyboard, USB drives, fan, and memory of your computer. However, SupportAssist OS Recovery may not be able to detect hardware issues in certain scenarios. It is recommended that you use Dell Enhanced Pre-Boot System Assessment (ePSA) diagnostics to detect such hardware issues.


  1. Go to the SupportAssist OS Recovery home page. See Manually start SupportAssist OS Recovery.
  2. Click more options icon on the header of the SupportAssist OS Recovery home page, and then click Restart.
  3. Press the F12 key until the one time boot menu is displayed.
    NOTE:If you wait too long and the operating system logo is displayed, wait until you see the Windows desktop, restart your computer, and try again.
  4. From the one time boot menu, select Diagnostics, and then press Enter.
    The diagnostics test starts.

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