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Dell SupportAssist OS Recovery User’s Guide

Related Dell products

The following table explains the difference between SupportAssist OS Recovery and other related Dell products:
Table 1. Related Dell productsRelated Dell products
Dell SupportAssist OS Recovery Dell SupportAssist for Home PCs/Dell SupportAssist for Business PCs
Dell SupportAssist OS Recovery provides a recovery environment that consists of tools to diagnose and troubleshoot issues that may occur before your computer boots to the operating system. When your computer is unable to boot to the operating system even after repeated attempts, it automatically starts SupportAssist OS Recovery. The recovery environment enables you to diagnose hardware issues, repair your computer, back up your files, or reset your computer to its factory state. Dell SupportAssist for PCs automates support from Dell by proactively and predictively identifying hardware and software issues on your computer. SupportAssist addresses system performance and stabilization issues, prevents security threats, monitors and detects hardware failures, and automates the engagement process with Dell Technical support.

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