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Dell Command | Configure Version 4.1.0 Command Line Interface Reference Guide



Valid Argument < password>

Sets, changes, or removes the owner password. The system cannot report the owner password. The owner password is designed for companies that loan or lease systems. It allows the leasing agency (the owner of the system) to remove any administrator, system, or hard drive passwords that are set on the system by the lessee.

  • NOTE: Reboot the system to complete any owner password actions.
  • NOTE: Password containing special characters must be provided in double inverted commas (“”).
To set the password:
C:\>cctk --OwnerPwd=<

You can set the owner password if the lower priority passwords (administrator, system, or hard drive passwords) are not set.

  • NOTE: If owner password is set on a system, set the system or administrator password for configuring the BIOS options on the system.
To change the password:
C:\>cctk --OwnerPwd=<
                                                   new-password> --valOwnerPwd=<

To remove the password:
C:\>cctk --OwnerPwd= --valOwnerPwd=<

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