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Dell Command | Configure Version 4.1.0 Command Line Interface Reference Guide



Valid Argument LanOnly, Disabled, AddInCard, OnBoard, WlanOnly, LanWlan, LanWithPxeBoot, Sfp, LanSfp, SfpWithPxeBoot
Defines the wake-on-LAN feature.
  • LanOnly — The system wake-on-LAN feature is enabled; either an onboard or an add-in NIC can wake the system up.
  • Disabled — The system does not respond to magic packets or other means of wake-on-LAN. The NIC chip section that looks for packets will not be powered.
  • AddInCard — Enables NICs, plugged into the special power connector, as the source of any wake-on-LAN signal.
  • OnBoard — The onboard NIC is enabled for wake-on-LAN.
  • WlanOnly — Enables wake-on-LAN for wireless.
  • LanWlan — On systems that have onboard LAN and wireless LAN hardware, enables wake on either wired or wireless LAN.
  • LanWithPxeBoot — Enables the network controller and causes the system to wake up and immediately boot to PXE when a wake packet is sent to the system in the S4 or S5 state.
  • Sfp — Allows the system to wake-up by special SFP signals.
  • LanSfp — Allows the system to wake-up either by LAN, or by SFP signals.
  • SfpWithPxeBoot — Allows the system to wake-up by SFP singnals, and immediately boot to PXE.
C:\>cctk --WakeOnLan=LanWithPxeBoot

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