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Dell Command | Configure Version 4.1.0 Command Line Interface Reference Guide


PCI reporting

The scan of the PCI bus will use a file to resolve PCI vendor and device codes to vendor information strings. The format of the PCI output is as follows:
PCI Bus: 2, Device: 4, Function: 0
                                 Vendor: 8086 - Intel Corp.
                                 Device: 1229 - 82557/8/9 [Ethernet Pro 100]
                                 Sub Vendor:8086 - Intel Corp.
                                 Sub Device:1017 - EtherExpress PRO/100+ Dual Port Server Adapter
                                 Slot: 01
                                 Class: 02 - Network
                                 SubClass: 00 - Ethernet

If the file for vendor resolution is not present, the utility will print Unknown next to a vendor name. If the file for environment variable names is not present, the utility will fail the environment variable operation.

The pci.ids file is located at :
  • Systems running on supported Windows operating system:
    • For 32-bit systems; C:\Program Files\Dell\Command Configure\X86
    • For 64-bit systems; C:\Program Files\Dell\Command Configure\X86_64
  • Systems running on supported Linux operating system: /opt/dell/dcc

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