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Dell Command | Configure Version 4.1.0 Command Line Interface Reference Guide



Valid Argument Auto, Slot0, Slot1, Slot2, Slot3, Slot4, Slot5, Slot6, Slot7, Slot8, Slot9, Slot10, Slot11, Slot12, Slot13, Slot14, Slot15Onboard

Configuring the slot for Primary video display.

  • Onboard — Sets the onboard video device slot as primary video device slot.
  • Auto — Scans PCI buses and uses the first video device slot found with video card as a primary video device slot.
  • Slot0-Slot15 — Sets the specified slot number as a primary video device slot.
  • NOTE: If a video card is not available in the specified slot number, the system will scan the PCI buses and uses the first video device slot found with video card as a primary video device.
C:\>cctk --PrimaryVideoSlot=Auto

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