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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 8 Version User’s Guide

12 Gbps SAS HBA adapter operations

The non-RAID controllers are the HBAs that do not have few RAID capabilities. They do not support virtual disks.

iDRAC interface supports only 12 Gbps SAS HBA controller and HBA330 internal controller in this release.

You can perform the following for non-RAID controllers:
  • View controller, physical disks, and enclosure properties as applicable for the non-RAID controller. Also, view EMM, fan, power supply unit, and temperature probe properties associated with the enclosure. The properties are displayed based on the type of controller.
  • View software and hardware inventory information.
  • Update firmware for enclosures behind the 12 Gbps SAS HBA controller (staged)
  • Monitor the polling or polling frequency for physical disk SMART trip status when there is change detected
  • Monitor the physical disks hot plug or hot removal status
  • Blink or unblink LEDs
  • You must perform Collect System Inventory On Reboot (CSIOR) operation before inventorying or monitoring the non-RAID controllers.
  • Reboot the system after performing a firmware update.
  • Real-time monitoring for SMART enabled drives and SES enclosure sensors is only done for the 12 Gbps SAS HBA controllers and HBA330 internal controllers.
NOTE:During warm boot, there may be LC Logs for PDR8 Drive Inserted. This is because the HBA sends drive inserted events to iDRAC due to loading and unloading of the HBA driver.

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