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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 8 Version User’s Guide

Setting SGPIO mode

The storage controller can connect to the backplane in I2C mode (default setting for Dell backplanes) or Serial General Purpose Input/Output (SGPIO) mode. This connection is required for blinking LEDs on the drives. Dell PERC controllers and backplane support both these modes. To support certain channel adapters, the backplane mode must be changed SGPIO mode.

The SGPIO mode is only supported for passive backplanes. It is not supported for expander-based backplanes or passive backplanes in downstream mode. Backplane firmware provides information on capability, current state, and requested state.

After LC wipe operation or iDRAC reset to default, the SGPIO mode is reset to disabled state. It compares the iDRAC setting with the backplane setting. If the backplane is set to SGPIO mode, iDRAC changes its setting to match the backplane setting.

Server power cycle is required for any change in setting to take effect.

You must have Server Control privilege to modify this setting.

NOTE:You cannot set the SGPIO mode using iDRAC Web interface.

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