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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 8 Version User’s Guide

Logging in to iDRAC as local user, Active Directory user, or LDAP user

Before you log in to iDRAC using the web interface, make sure that you have configured a supported web browser and the user account is created with the required privileges.
NOTE:The user name is not case-sensitive for an Active Directory user. The password is case-sensitive for all users.
NOTE:In addition to Active Directory, openLDAP, openDS, Novell eDir, and Fedora-based directory services are supported.
NOTE:LDAP authentication with OpenDS is supported. The DH key must be larger than 768 bits.

To log in to iDRAC as local user, Active Directory user, or LDAP user:

  1. Open a supported web browser.
  2. In the Address field, type https://[iDRAC-IP-address] and press <Enter>.
    NOTE:If the default HTTPS port number (port 443) was changed, enter: https://[iDRAC-IP-address]:[port-number] where, [iDRAC-IP-address] is the iDRAC IPv4 or IPv6 address and [port-number] is the HTTPS port number.
    The Login page is displayed.
  3. For a local user:
    • In the Username and Password fields, enter your iDRAC user name and password.
    • From the Domain drop-down menu, select This iDRAC.
  4. For an Active Directory user, in the Username and Password fields, enter the Active Directory user name and password. If you have specified the domain name as a part of the username, select This iDRAC from the drop-down menu. The format of the user name can be: <domain>\<username>, <domain>/<username>, or <user>@<domain>.

    For example, dell.com\john_doe, or JOHN_DOE@DELL.COM.

    If the domain is not specified in the user name, select the Active Directory domain from the Domain drop-down menu.

  5. For an LDAP user, in the Username and Password fields, enter your LDAP user name and password. Domain name is not required for LDAP login. By default, This iDRAC is selected in the drop-down menu.
  6. Click Submit. You are logged in to iDRAC with the required user privileges.
    If you log in with Configure Users privileges and the default account credentials, and if the default password warning feature is enabled, the Default Password Warning page is displayed allowing you to easily change the password.

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