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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 8 Version User’s Guide

Using VNC client to manage remote server

You can use a standard open VNC client to manage the remote server using both desktop and mobile devices such as Dell Wyse PocketCloud. When servers in data centers stop functioning, the iDRAC or the operating system sends an alert to the console on the management station. The console sends an email or SMS to a mobile device with required information and launches VNC viewer application on the management station. This VNC viewer can connect to OS/Hypervisor on the server and provide access to keyboard, video and mouse of the host server to perform the necessary remediation. Before launching the VNC client, you must enable the VNC server and configure the VNC server settings in iDRAC such as password, VNC port number, SSL encryption, and the time out value. You can configure these settings using iDRAC Web interface or RACADM.

NOTE:VNC feature is licensed and is available in the iDRAC Enterprise license.

You can choose from many VNC applications or Desktop clients such as the ones from RealVNC or Dell Wyse PocketCloud.

Only one VNC client session can be active at a time.

If a VNC session is active, you can only launch the Virtual Media using Launch Virtual Console and not the Virtual Console Viewer.

If video encryption is disabled, the VNC client starts RFB handshake directly, and a SSL handshake is not required. During VNC client handshake (RFB or SSL), if another VNC session is active or if a Virtual Console session is open, the new VNC client session is rejected. After completion of the initial handshake, VNC server disables Virtual Console and allows only Virtual Media. After termination of the VNC session, VNC server restores the original state of Virtual Console (enabled or disabled).

  • When iDRAC NIC is in shared mode and the host system is power cycled, the network connection is lost for a few seconds. During this time, if you perform any action in the active VNC client, the VNC session may close. You must wait for timeout (value configured for the VNC Server settings in the Services page in iDRAC Web interface) and then re-establish the VNC connection. 
  • If the VNC client window is minimized for more than 60 seconds, the client window closes. You must open a new VNC session. If you maximize the VNC client window within 60 seconds, you can continue to use it.

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