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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 8 Version User’s Guide

Adding iDRAC IP to the trusted-sites list

When you access iDRAC Web interface, you are prompted to add iDRAC IP address to the list of trusted domains if the IP address is missing from the list. When completed, click Refresh or relaunch the web browser to establish a connection to iDRAC web interface. If you are not prompted to add the IP, it is recommended that you add the IP manually to the trusted-sites list.
NOTE:When connecting to the iDRAC web interface with a certificate the browser does not trust, the browser's certificate error warning may display a second time after you acknowledge the first warning.

To add iDRAC IP address to the trusted-sites list:

  1. Click Tools > Internet Options > Security > Trusted sites > Sites.
  2. Enter the iDRAC IP address to the Add this website to the zone.
  3. Click Add, click OK, and then click Close.
  4. Click OK and then refresh your browser.

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