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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 8 Version User’s Guide

Generating SupportAssist Collection automatically using iDRAC web interface

To generate the SupportAssist collection automatically:
  1. In the iDRAC Web interface, go to Overview > Server > Troubleshooting > SupportAssist.
    The SupportAssist page is displayed.
  2. To edit the data collection options, click Edit Collection Data:
    • Hardware— export the SupportAssist collection of the hardware.
    • RAID Controller Log— export the SupportAssist collection of the RAID controller.
    • OS and Application Data— export the SupportAssist collection of the OS and the application data. Under this option, select any one of the following:
      • Standard Data: Select this option to get the collection in standard format.
      • Filtered Data: Select this option to get the collection with filtered data.
    NOTE:By default, Hardware and OS and Application Data is selected.
  3. Select the I have read and agree to the terms and conditions option and click Continue.
  4. After the iDRAC Service Module has completed transferring the OS and application data to iDRAC, it is packaged along with the hardware data and the final report is generated. A message appears to save the report.
  5. Specify the location to save the SupportAssist collection.

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