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Dell PowerEdge T20 Owner's Manual

Error Messages

Error Message
Address mark not found
The BIOS found a faulty disk sector or could not find a particular disk sector.
Alert! Previous attempts at booting this system have failed at checkpoint [nnnn]. For help in resolving this problem, please note this checkpoint and contact Dell Technical Support.
The system failed to complete the boot routine three consecutive times for the same error. Contact Dell and report the checkpoint code (nnnn) to the support technician.
Alert! Security override Jumper is installed.
The MFG_MODE jumper has been set and AMT Management features are disabled until it is removed.
Attachment failed to respond
The floppy or hard-drive controller cannot send data to the associated drive.
Bad command or file name
Ensure that you have spelled the command correctly, put spaces in the proper place, and used the correct pathname.
Bad error-correction code (ECC) on disk read
The floppy or hard-drive controller detected an uncorrectable read error.
Controller has failed
The hard drive or the associated controller is defective.
Data error
The floppy or hard drive cannot read the data. For the Windows operating system, run the chkdsk utility to check the file structure of the floppy or hard drive. For any other operating system, run the appropriate corresponding utility.
Decreasing available memory
One or more memory modules may be faulty or improperly seated. Re-install the memory modules and, if necessary, replace them.
Diskette drive 0 seek failure
A cable may be loose or the system configuration information may not match the hardware configuration.
Diskette read failure
The floppy disk may be defective or a cable may be loose. If the drive access light turns on, try a different disk.
Diskette subsystem reset failed
The floppy drive controller may be faulty.
Gate A20 failure
One or more memory modules may be faulty or improperly seated. Reinstall the memory modules and, if necessary, replace them.
General failure
The operating system is unable to carry out the command. This message is usually followed by specific information—for example, Printer out of paper. Take the appropriate action to resolve the problem.
Hard-disk drive configuration error
The hard drive failed initialization.
Hard-disk drive controller failure
The hard drive failed initialization.
Hard-disk drive failure
The hard drive failed initialization.
Hard-disk drive read failure
The hard drive failed initialization.
Invalid configuration information-please run SETUP program
The system configuration information does not match the hardware configuration.
Invalid Memory configuration, please populate DIMM1
DIMM1 slot does not recognize a memory module. The module should be re-seated or installed.
Keyboard failure
A cable or connector may be loose, or the keyboard or keyboard/mouse controller may be faulty.
Memory address line failure at address, read value expecting value
A memory module may be faulty or improperly seated. Reinstall the memory modules and, if necessary, replace them.
Memory allocation error
The software you are attempting to run is conflicting with the operating system, another program, or a utility.
Memory data line failure at address, read value expecting value
A memory module may be faulty or improperly seated. Reinstall the memory modules and, if necessary, replace them.
Memory double word logic failure at address, read value expecting value
A memory module may be faulty or improperly seated. Reinstall the memory modules and, if necessary, replace them.
Memory odd/even logic failure at address, read value expecting value
A memory module may be faulty or improperly seated. Reinstall the memory modules and, if necessary, replace them
Memory write/read failure at address, read value expecting value
A memory module may be faulty or improperly seated. Reinstall the memory modules and, if necessary, replace them.
Memory size in CMOS invalid
The amount of memory recorded in the system configuration information does not match the memory installed in the system.
Memory tests terminated by keystroke
A keystroke interrupted the memory test.
No boot device available
The system cannot find the floppy disk or hard drive.
No boot sector on hard-disk drive
The system configuration information in System Setup may be incorrect.
No timer tick interrupt
A chip on the system board might be malfunctioning.
Non-system disk or disk error
The floppy disk in drive A does not have a bootable operating system installed on it. Either replace the floppy disk with one that has a bootable operating system, or remove the floppy disk from drive A and restart the system.
Not a boot diskette
The operating system is trying to boot to a floppy disk that does not have a bootable operating system installed on it. Insert a bootable floppy disk.
Plug and play configuration error
The system encountered a problem while trying to configure one or more cards.
Read fault
The operating system cannot read from the floppy or hard drive, the system could not find a particular sector on the disk, or the requested sector is defective.
Requested sector not found
The operating system cannot read from the floppy or hard drive, the system could not find a particular sector on the disk, or the requested sector is defective.
Reset failed
The disk re-set operation failed.
Sector not found
The operating system cannot locate a sector on the floppy or hard drive.
Seek error
The operating system cannot find a specific track on the floppy disk or hard drive.
Shutdown failure
A chip on the system board might be malfunctioning.
Time-of-day clock stopped
The battery might be dead.
Time-of-day not set-please run the System Setup program
The time or date stored in System Setup does not match the system clock.
Timer chip counter 2 failed
A chip on the system board may be malfunctioning.
Unexpected interrupt in protected mode
The keyboard controller may be malfunctioning or a memory module may be loose.
WARNING: Dell's Disk Monitoring System has detected that drive [0/1] on the [primary/secondary] EIDE controller is operating outside of normal specifications. It is advisable to immediately back up your data and replace your hard drive by calling your support desk or Dell.
During initial startup, the drive detected possible error conditions. When your system finishes booting, immediately back up your data and replace your hard drive. For information on installation procedures, see Installing System Components. If no replacement drive is immediately available and the drive is not the only bootable drive, enter System Setup and change the appropriate drive setting to None. Then remove the drive from the system.
Write fault
The operating system cannot write to the floppy or hard drive.
Write fault on selected drive
The operating system cannot write to the floppy or hard drive.

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