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Dell PowerEdge T20 Owner's Manual

Installing an expansion card

  1. Unpack the expansion card and prepare it for installation.
    • NOTE: For instructions, see the documentation accompanying the card.
  1. Push out the expansion card release latch to open it.
  2. If installed, remove the expansion-card filler.

    The steps for installing or removing an expansion-card filler are similar to installing or removing an expansion card.

    • NOTE: You must install an expansion card filler bracket over an empty expansion slot. The brackets also keep dust and dirt out of the system and aid in proper cooling and airflow inside the system.
  3. Holding the expansion card by its edges, position the card so that the card-edge connector aligns with the expansion card connector.
  4. Push the expansion card into the expansion card slot until the expansion card is fully seated.
  5. Push the expansion card latch toward the system until it clicks into place.
  1. If applicable, connect the cables to the expansion card.

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