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Dell PowerEdge T20 Owner's Manual

Front-Panel Features And Indicators

Figure 1. Front-Panel Features and Indicators The figure shows the front-panel features and indicators.
ItemIndicator, Button, or ConnectorIconDescription
1Power-on indicator, power buttonPower-on indicator iconThe power-on indicator lights when the system power is on. The power button controls the power supply output to the system.
  • NOTE: On ACPI-compliant operating systems, turning off the system using the power button causes the system to perform a graceful shutdown before power to the system is turned off.
2Optical drive (optional) One optional slim SATA DVD-ROM drive or DVD+/-RW drive.
3Headphone connectorheadphone iconAllows you to connect a headphone to the system.
4Microphone connectormicrophone iconAllows you to connect a microphone to the system.
5USB connectors (2)USB connector iconAllow you to connect USB devices to the system. The ports are USB 3.0 compliant.
6USB connectors (2)USB connector iconAllow you to connect USB devices to the system. The ports are USB 2.0 compliant.
7Hard drive indicatorHard drive indicator iconIndicates the hard drive activity.

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