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Dell PowerEdge T20 Owner's Manual

Troubleshooting A NIC

  1. Run the appropriate diagnostic test. See Using System Diagnostics for available diagnostic tests.
  2. Restart the system and check for any system messages pertaining to the NIC controller.
  3. Check the appropriate indicator on the NIC connector:
    • If the link indicator does not light, check all cable connections.
    • If the activity indicator does not light, the network driver files might be damaged or missing.

      Remove and reinstall the drivers if applicable. See the NIC documentation.

    • If applicable, change the autonegotiation setting.
    • Use another connector on the switch or hub.

  4. Ensure that the appropriate drivers are installed and the protocols are bound. See the NIC documentation.
  5. Enter the System Setup and confirm that the NIC ports are enabled on the Integrated Devices screen.
  6. Ensure that the NICs, hubs, and switches on the network are all set to the same data transmission speed and duplex. See the documentation for each network device.
  7. Ensure that all network cables are of the proper type and do not exceed the maximum length.

If all troubleshooting fails, see Getting Help.

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