The iDRAC Service Module (iSM) provides the following
monitoring features:
Redfish profile support
for network attributes
iDRAC Hard Reset
iDRAC access via Host
OS (Experimental Feature)
In-band iDRAC SNMP alerts
View operating system
(OS) information
Replicate Lifecycle Controller
logs to operating system logs
Perform automatic system
recovery options
Populate Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI) Management Providers
Integrate with SupportAssist
Collection. This is applicable only if iDRAC Service Module version
2.0 or later is installed.
Prepare to Remove NVMe
PCIe SSD. For more information.
Remote Server Power Cycle
Redfish profile support
for network attributes
iDRAC Service Module
v2.3 or later provides additional network attributes to iDRAC, which
can be obtained through the REST clients from iDRAC. For more details,
see iDRAC Redfish profile support.
Operating system information
The OpenManage Server Administrator currently shares
operating system information and host name with iDRAC. The iDRAC Service
Module provides similar information such as OS name, OS version, and
Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) with iDRAC. By default, this monitoring
feature is enabled. It is not disabled if OpenManage Server Administrator
is installed on the host OS.
In iSM version 2.0 or later, the operating system information feature is amended with the OS network interface monitoring. When iDRAC Service
Module version 2.0 or later is used with iDRAC, it starts
monitoring the operating system network interfaces. You can view this
information using iDRAC web interface, RACADM, or WSMan.
Replicate Lifecycle
logs to OS log
You can replicate the Lifecycle
Controller Logs to the OS logs from the time when the feature is enabled
in iDRAC. This is similar to the System Event Log (SEL) replication
performed by OpenManage Server Administrator. All events that have
the OS Log option selected as the target (in the Alerts page, or in the equivalent RACADM or WSMan interfaces) are replicated
in the OS log using the iDRAC Service Module. The default set of logs
to be included in the OS logs is the same as configured for SNMP alerts
or traps.
iDRAC Service Module also logs the events
that have occurred when the operating system is not functioning. The
OS logging performed by iDRAC Service Module follows the IETF syslog
standards for Linux-based operating systems.
NOTE Starting iDRAC Service
Module version 2.1, the Lifecycle Controller Logs replication location
in the Windows OS logs can be configured using the iDRAC Service Module
installer. You can configure the location while installing iDRAC Service
Module or modifying the iDRAC Service Module installer.
If OpenManage Server Administrator is installed, this
monitoring feature is disabled to avoid duplicate SEL entries in the
OS log.
Microsoft Windows, if iSM events get logged under System logs instead
of Application logs, restart the Windows Event Log service or restart
the host OS.
Automatic system recovery
The Automatic system recovery feature
is a hardware-based timer. If a hardware failure occurs, a notification may not be available, but the server is reset as if the power
switch was activated. ASR is implemented using a timer
that continuously counts down. The Health Monitor frequently reloads
the counter to prevent it from counting down to zero. If the ASR counts
down to zero, it is assumed that the operating system has locked up
and the system automatically attempts to reboot.
You can perform automatic system recovery operations such as reboot,
power cycle, or power off the server after a specified time interval.
This feature is enabled only if the operating system watchdog timer
is disabled. If OpenManage Server Administrator is installed, this
monitoring feature is disabled to avoid duplicate watchdog timers.
Windows Management
Instrumentation providers
WMI is a set of extensions
to the Windows Driver Model that provides an operating system interface
through which instrumented components provide information and notification.
WMI is Microsoft's implementation of the Web-Based Enterprise Management
(WBEM) and Common Information Model (CIM) standards from the Distributed
Management Task Force (DMTF) to manage Server hardware, operating
systems and applications. WMI Providers helps to integrate with Systems
Management Consoles such as Microsoft System Center and enables scripting
to manage Microsoft Windows Servers.
You can enable
or disable the WMI option in iDRAC. iDRAC exposes the WMI classes
through the iDRAC Service Module providing the server’s health information.
By default, WMI information feature is enabled. The iDRAC Service
Module exposes the WSMan monitored classes in iDRAC through WMI. The
classes are exposed in the root/cimv2/dcim namespace.
The classes can be accessed using any of the standard
WMI client interfaces. For more information, see the profile documents.
The following examples use the DCIM_account class
to illustrate the capability that WMI information feature provides
in iDRAC Service Module. For the details of the supported classes
and profiles, see the WSMan profiles documentation available at
Table 1. Examples of DCIM_account classExamples of DCIM_account class
winrm g wmi/root/cimv2/dcim/DCIM_Account?CreationClassName=DCIM_Account+Name=iDRAC.Embedded.1#Users.2+SystemCreationClassName=DCIM_SPComputerSystem+SystemName=systemmc
wmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2\dcim PATH dcim_account where Name="iDRAC.Embedded.1#Users.16"
winrm e wmi/root/cimv2/dcim/* -dialect:association -filter:{object=DCIM_Account?CreationClassName=DCIM_Account+Name=iDRAC.Embedded.1#Users.1+SystemCreationClassName=DCIM_SPComputerSystem+SystemName=systemmc}
wmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2\dcim PATH dcim_account where
Name='iDRAC.Embedded.1#Users.2' ASSOC
Get-Wmiobject -Query "ASSOCIATORS OF {DCIM_Account.CreationClassName='DCIM_Account',Name='iDRAC.Embedded.1#Users.2',SystemCreationClassName='DCIM_SPComputerSystem',SystemName='systemmc'}" -namespace root/cimv2/dcim
Get references of an instance
winrm e wmi/root/cimv2/dcim/* -dialect:association –associations -filter:{object=DCIM_Account?CreationClassName=DCIM_Account+Name=iDRAC.Embedded.1#Users.1+SystemCreationClassName=DCIM_SPComputerSystem+SystemName=systemmc}
Not applicable
Get-Wmiobject -Query "REFERENCES OF {DCIM_Account.CreationClassName='DCIM_Account',Name='iDRAC.Embedded.1#Users.2',SystemCreationClassName='DCIM_SPComputerSystem',SystemName='systemmc'}" -namespace root/cimv2/dcim
Remote iDRAC Hard Reset
By using iDRAC, you can monitor the supported servers
for critical system hardware, firmware, or software issues. Sometimes,
iDRAC may become unresponsive due to various reasons. During such
scenarios, you must turn off the server and reset iDRAC. To reset
the iDRAC CPU, you must either power off and power on the server or
perform an AC power cycle.
By using the remote iDRAC
hard reset feature, whenever iDRAC becomes unresponsive, you can perform
a remote iDRAC reset operation without an AC power cycle.. To reset
the iDRAC remotely, make sure that you have administrative privileges
on the host OS. By default, the remote iDRAC hard reset feature is
enabled. You can perform a remote iDRAC hard reset using iDRAC Web
interface, RACADM, and WSMan.
Command usage
This section provides the command usages for Windows,
Linux, and ESXi operating systems to perform iDRAC hard reset.
Using the local Windows
Management Instrumentation (WMI):
winrm i iDRACHardReset wmi/root/cimv2/dcim/DCIM_iSMService?InstanceID=”iSMExportedFunctions”
the remote WMI interface:
winrm i iDRACHardReset wmi/root/cimv2/dcim/dcim_ismservice -u:<admin-username> -p:<admin-passwd> -r: http://<remote-hostname OR IP>/wsman -a:Basic -encoding:utf-8 -skipCACheck –skipCNCheck
the Windows PowerShell script with force and without force:
Invoke-iDRACHardReset –force
the Program Menu shortcut:
For simplicity,
iSM provides a shortcut in the Program Menu of the Windows
operating system. When you select the Remote iDRAC Hard
Reset option, you are prompted for a confirmation to reset
the iDRAC. After you confirm, the iDRAC is reset and the result of
the operation is displayed.
NOTE The following warning
message appears in the Event Viewer under the Application
Logs category. This warning does not require any further action.
A provider, ismserviceprovider, has been registered in the Windows Management Instrumentation namespace Root\CIMV2\DCIM to use the LocalSystem account. This account is privileged and the provider may cause a security violation if it does not correctly impersonate user requests.
iSM provides an executable command on all iSM
supported Linux operating system. You can run this command by logging
into the operating system by using SSH or equivalent.
Invoke-iDRACHardReset –f
On all iSM supported ESXi operating systems,
the iSM v2.3 supports a Common Management Programming Interface (CMPI)
method provider to perform the iDRAC reset remotely by using the WinRM
remote commands.
operating system does not prompt for confirmation before resetting
the iDRAC.
NOTE Due to limitations on the VMware ESXi operating system, iDRAC connectivity
is not restored completely after the reset. Ensure that you manually
reset iDRAC.
Table 2. Error HandlingError Handling
Unsupported BIOS version for iDRAC reset
Unsupported platform
Access denied
iDRAC reset failed
In-band Support for
By using iDRAC Service Module
v2.3, you can receive SNMP alerts from the host operating system,
which is similar to the alerts that are generated by iDRAC.
You can also monitor the iDRAC SNMP alerts without configuring
the iDRAC and manage the server remotely by configuring the SNMP traps
and destination on the host OS. In iDRAC Service Module v2.3 or later,
this feature converts all the Lifecycle logs replicated in the OS
logs into SNMP traps.
NOTE This feature is active
only if the Lifecycle Logs replication feature is enabled.
NOTE On Linux operating
systems, this feature requires a master or OS SNMP enabled with SNMP
multiplexing (SMUX) protocol.
By default, this
feature is disabled. Though the In-band SNMP alerting mechanism can
coexist along with iDRAC SNMP alerting mechanism, the recorded logs
may have redundant SNMP alerts from both the sources. It is recommended
to either use the in-band or out-of-band option, instead of using
Command usage
section provides the command usages for Windows, Linux, and ESXi operating
operating system
Using the local Windows
Management Instrumentation (WMI):
winrm i EnableInBandSNMPTraps
wmi/root/cimv2/dcim/DCIM_iSMService?InstanceID="iSMExportedFunctions" @{state="[0/1]"}
the remote WMI interface:
winrm i EnableInBandSNMPTraps wmi/root/cimv2/dcim/DCIM_iSMService?InstanceID="iSMExportedFunctions" @{state="[0/1]"}
-u:<admin-username> -p:<admin-passwd> -r:http://<remote-hostname OR IP>/WSMan -a:Basic -encoding:utf-8 -skipCACheck –skipCNCheck
operating system
On all iSM supported Linux
operating system, iSM provides an executable command. You can run
this command by logging into the operating system by using SSH or
Beginning with iSM 2.4.0, you can configure
Agent-x as the default protocol for in-band iDRAC SNMP alerts using
the following command:
./ 1/agentx –force
If –force is not specified, ensure that the net-SNMP
is configured and restart the snmpd service.
To enable
this feature: 1 enable
To disable
this feature: 0 disable
NOTE The --force option configures the Net-SNMP to forward the traps. However, you
must configure the trap destination.
VMware ESXi operating
On all iSM supported ESXi operating systems,
the iSM v2.3 supports a Common Management Programming Interface (CMPI)
method provider to enable this feature remotely by using the WinRM
remote commands.
winrm i EnableInBandSNMPTraps
__cimnamespace=root/cimv2/dcim+InstanceID=iSMExportedFunctions -u:<user-name> -p:<passwd> -r:https://<remote-host-name
NOTE You must
review and configure the VMware ESXi system-wide SNMP settings for
NOTE For more
details, refer to the In-BandSNMPAlerts technical white paper
available at
iDRAC access via Host
By using this feature, you can configure
and monitor the hardware parameters through iDRAC Web interface, WSMan,
and RedFish interfaces using the host IP address without configuring
the iDRAC IP address. You can use the default iDRAC credentials if
the iDRAC server is not configured or continue to use the same iDRAC
credentials if the iDRAC server was configured earlier.
iDRAC access via Windows Operating Systems
You can perform this task by using the following
Install the iDRAC access
feature by using the webpack.
Configure using iSM PowerShell
Installation by using MSI
You can install this feature by using the web-pack. This
feature is disabled on a typical iSM installation. If enabled, the
default listening port number is 1266. You can modify this port number
within the range 1024 through 65535. iSM redirects the connection
to the iDRAC. iSM then creates an inbound firewall rule, OS2iDRAC.
The listening port number is added to the OS2iDRAC firewall rule in
the host operating system, which allows incoming connections. The
firewall rule is enabled automatically when this feature is enabled.
Beginning with iSM 2.4.0, you can retrieve the current
status and listening-port configuration by using the following Powershell
Enable-iDRACAccessHostRoute –status get
The output of this command indicates whether this feature is enabled
or disabled. If the feature is enabled, it displays the listening-port
NOTE Ensure
that the Microsoft IP Helper Services is running on your system for
this feature to function.
To access the iDRAC
Web interface, use the format https://<host-name> or OS-IP>:443/login.html in the browser, where:
<host-name> — Complete host name of the server on which iSM is installed and
configured for iDRAC access via OS feature. You can use the OS IP
address if the host name is not present.
443 —
Default iDRAC port number. This is called the Connect Port number
to which all the incoming connections on listen port number are redirected.
You can modify the port number through iDRAC Web interface, WSMan,
and RACADM interfaces.
Configuration by using iSM PowerShell
If this feature is disabled while installing
iSM, you can enable the feature by using the following Windows PowerShell
command provided by iSM:
If the feature is already configured, you can
disable or modify it by using the PowerShell command and the corresponding
options. The available options are as follows:
Status — This
parameter is mandatory. The values are not case sensitive and the
value can be true, false, or get.
Port — This is
the listening port number. If you do not provide a port number, the
default port number (1266) is used. If the Status parameter
value is FALSE, then you can ignore rest of the parameters. You must
enter a new port number that is not already configured for this feature.
The new port number settings overwrite the existing OS2iDRAC in-bound
firewall rule and you can use the new port number to connect to iDRAC.
The value range is from 1024 to 65535.
IPRange — This parameter is optional and it provides a range of IP addresses
that are allowed to connect to iDRAC through the host operating system.
The IP address range format is in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
format, which is a combination of IP address and subnet mask. For
example, Access to iDRAC is restricted for IP addresses
that are not within the range.
NOTE This feature supports
only IPv4 addresses.
iDRAC access via Linux Operating Systems
You can install this feature by using the file that is available with the web-pack. This
feature is disabled on a default or typical iSM installation. To
get the status of this feature, use the following command:
Enable-iDRACAccessHostRoute get-status
To install, enable, and configure this feature, use
the following command:
<source-port> and <source-IP-range/source-ip-range-mask> are not required.
<source-port> is required and <source-ip-range-mask> is optional.
IP range
in <IP-Address/subnet-mask> format. Example:
Coexistence of OpenManage
Server Administrator and iDRAC Service Module
In a system, both OpenManage Server Administrator and the iDRAC Service
Module can co-exist and continue to function correctly and independently.
If you have enabled the monitoring features during
the iDRAC Service Module installation, then after the installation
is complete if the iDRAC Service Module detects the presence of OpenManage
Server Administrator, it disables the set of monitoring features that
overlap. If OpenManage Server Administrator is running, the iDRAC
Service Module disables the overlapping monitoring features after
logging to the OS and iDRAC.
When you re-enable
these monitoring features through the iDRAC interfaces later, the
same checks are performed and the features are enabled depending on
whether OpenManage Server Administrator is running or not.
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