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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 User's Guide


Editing The Default Partition Configuration Values

Perform the following steps to edit the default partition configuration default values, as necessary:
  1. Edit the default utility partitioning variable ( DT_PARTN_UP), if necessary. Set this variable f you want to install the Dell utility partition.
  2. Edit the default variable value for the default hard drive ( DT_HD for Windows and DT_HD for Linux), if applicable.
    • NOTE: Ensure that the default variable value for DT_HD is set to a valid non‑removable disk, and not to removable media such as virtual media.
  3. Edit the default variable value ( DT_DP_SIZE in MB for BIOS mode and DT_DP_SIZE_GPT in MiB for UEFI mode) for the primary operating system partition, if applicable.
  4. Edit the default variable value for file system type ( DT_OS_FSTYPE), if applicable.
    • NOTE: The valid values are FAT32 and NTFS.
  5. If the DT_PARTN_UP variable is set to ON, edit the default variable value (in MB) for the utility partition ( DT_UP_SIZE), if applicable.
  6. If the DT_PARTN_UP variable is set to ON, edit the default variable value for the utility partition installation package location ( DT_UP_IMAGE=%DT_SYSTEMS%\UPIMG.BIN for Windows and DT_UP_IMAGE=$dt_systems/upimg.bin for Linux), if applicable.
    • NOTE: Edit the UPIMG_BIN variable only if you have changed the name or path of the utility partition installation package.

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