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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 User's Guide


Scripts For Deployment On Systems Running Windows

The following table lists the capture scripts for Windows.

Table 1. Capture Scripts for Windows

Script Name


Associated Files


Captures RAC settings to a file for Dell Remote Access Controller 4 (DRAC 4).

  • TKENVSET.BAT — Provides information to the tasks scripts about the location of the DTK utilities, scripts, and configuration files.
  • RACADM.EXE — Retrieves RAC information and configure settings.


Captures BIOS and Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) configuration settings and saves them to a file.

  • TKENVSET.BAT — Provides information to the tasks scripts about the location of the DTK utilities, scripts, and configuration files.
  • SYSCFG.EXE — Configures the BIOS and BMC settings.


Captures the RAID settings and saves them to a file

  • TKENVSET.BAT — Provides information to the tasks scripts about the location of the DTK utilities, scripts, and configuration files.
  • RAIDCFG.EXE— Retrieves RAID information and configure settings.

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