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iDRAC 8/7 v2.30.30.30 User’s Guide

Clearing foreign configuration

After moving a physical disk from one controller to another, you may find that the physical disk contains all or some portion of a virtual disk (foreign configuration). You can identify whether a previously used physical disk contains a foreign configuration (virtual disk) by checking the physical disk state. If the physical disk state is Foreign, then the physical disk contains all or some portion of a virtual disk. You can clear or erase the virtual disk information from the newly attached physical disks.

The Clear Foreign Configuration operation permanently erases all data residing on the physical disks that are added to the controller. If more than one foreign virtual disk is present, all the configurations are erased. You may prefer to import the virtual disk rather than destroy the data. An initialization must be performed to remove foreign data. If you have an incomplete foreign configuration which cannot be imported, you can use the Clearing Foreign Configuration option to erase the foreign data on the physical disks.

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