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iDRAC 8/7 v2.30.30.30 User’s Guide

Enabling Auto Config using iDRAC web interface

Make sure that DHCPv4 and the Enable IPv4 options are enabled and Auto-discovery is disabled.

To enable Auto Config:

  1. In the iDRAC web interface, go to Overview > iDRAC Settings > Network . The Network page is displayed.
  2. In the Auto Config section, select one of the following options from the Enable DHCP Provisioning drop-down menu:
    • Enable Once — Configures the component only once using the XML file referenced by the DHCP server. After this, Auto Config is disabled.
    • Enable once after reset — After the iDRAC is reset, configures the components only once using the XML file referenced by the DHCP server. After this, Auto Config is disabled.
    • Disable — Disables the Auto Config feature.
  3. Click Apply to apply the setting. The network page automatically refreshes.

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