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iDRAC 8/7 v2.30.30.30 User’s Guide

Generating a new certificate signing request

A CSR is a digital request to a Certificate Authority (CA) for a SSL server certificate. SSL server certificates allow clients of the server to trust the identity of the server and to negotiate an encrypted session with the server.

After the CA receives a CSR, they review and verify the information the CSR contains. If the applicant meets the CA’s security standards, the CA issues a digitally-signed SSL server certificate that uniquely identifies the applicant’s server when it establishes SSL connections with browsers running on management stations.

After the CA approves the CSR and issues the SSL server certificate, it can be uploaded to iDRAC. The information used to generate the CSR, stored on the iDRAC firmware, must match the information contained in the SSL server certificate, that is, the certificate must have been generated using the CSR created by iDRAC.

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