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Microsoft Windows Server 2016 for Dell PowerEdge Systems Important Information Guide

Pre-Installed Virtual Machine

If you select enable hyper-v role at Dell.com, you are provided with a pre-installed virtual machine. You can use the virtual machine files at C:\Dell_OEM\VM in your server along with the Hyper-V Manager to import virtual machines on this system, subject to Microsoft's license. For more information on the terms of licensing, see the End User License Agreement shipped with your product.

The VM at C:\Dell_OEM\VM allows you to select the appropriate language during the setup process. The virtual hard disk attached to this VM is of dynamically expanding type and can be converted to fixed type.

NOTE: The virtual hard disk (VHD) attached to the VM is of dynamically expanding type which can grow up to a maximum of 127 GB. To increase the virtual disk space, create a new virtual hard disk and attach it to the same VM. To convert the virtual hard disk, provided by Dell, from a dynamically expanding to a fixed disk, ensure that you have a minimum of 127 GB of space in your server before conversion.


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