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Microsoft Windows Server 2016 for Dell PowerEdge Systems Important Information Guide

When NVMe device is attached to a running VM, the device is not enumerated

When NVMe device is attached to a virtual machine through Discrete Device Assignment (DDA) feature, the NVMe device is not enumerated successfully after it is hot removed and hot plugged.
Reattach the NVME device to the Virtual Machine.
Perform the following steps to reattach the NVMe device to the Virtual Machine:
  1. Open a Power Shell with admin privileges.
  2. After hot plugging the device, run Get-PnpDevice to identify the device and get the location path.
  3. Remove the VMHost assignable device by running the following command:
    Remove-VMAssignableDevice –locationpath $locationpath –VMName “VM-Name”

    $localtionpath is the location path from the step 2 and VM-Name is the name of the VM, where device was attached.

  4. Attach the device back to the VM by running the following command:
    Add-VMHostAssignableDevice –locationpath $locationpath –VMName “VM-Name”


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