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Dell Chassis Management Controller Version 2.10 for PowerEdge FX2 and FX2s RACADM CLI Guide



Table 1. Details of chassislog . The following table provides the details of chassislog attribute:

Allows you to view, export, or clear the chassis log history.

To clear a chassis log, you must have the Clear Logs Administrator privilege.

  • NOTE: It is recommended that you use Firmware RACADM to run this subcommand.
racadm chassislog view [-i]
                                                racadm chassislog view [-c <category>] [-s <severity>] [-b <subcategory>]
                                                [-q <sequence no.>] [-n <number of records>] [-r <start timestamp>]
                                                [-e <end timestamp>]
  • -i — Displays the number of records present in the active log. You cannot use this option with any other option.
  • -c — The log type to filter the records. Provide multiple categories using a "," as the delimiter. The value is case-insensitive. Valid Category values:
    • All
    • System
    • Updates
    • Audit
    • Config
  • -b — The subcategory used to filter the records. Provide multiple subcategories using a “,” as the delimiter. The value is case-insensitive.
  • -q — The sequence number from which the records must be displayed.
  • -n — Specifies the n Number of records to be displayed.
  • -r — Displays events that have occurred after this time. The time format is yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS. The time stamp must be provided within double quotes.
  • -e — Displays events that have occurred before this time. The time format is yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS. The time stamp must be provided within double quotes.
  • -s — The severity used to filter the records. Provide multiple severities using a "," as the delimiter. The value is case-insensitive. Valid Severity values:
    • 1. Warning
    • 2. Critical
    • 3. Info
  • NOTE: To view or export the Chassis log, only CMC Login User permission is required.
  • Display the number of records present in the Chassis Log:
    racadm chassislog view -i
  • Display the records having severities set to warning or critical, starting from sequence number 4:
    racadm chassislog view -s warning,critical -q 4
  • Display 5 records starting from sequence number 20:
    racadm chassislog view -q 20 -n 5
  • Display all records of events that have occurred between 2011-01-02 23:33:40 and 2011-01-03 00:32:15:
    racadm chassislog view -r "2011-01-02 23:33:40" -e "2011-01-03 00:32:15"
  • Display all the available records from the active Chassis log:
    racadm chassislog view -n all
  • Display the last 25 records from the Chassis log:
    racadm chassislog view

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