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Dell SupportAssist OS Recovery User’s Guide

System Repair with SupportAssist OS Recovery

The System Repair feature in SupportAssist OS Recovery allows you to instantly rollback to a previous point in time on your computer to resolve boot issues or any other performance issues. The System Repair feature is automatically enabled on all the computers with at least 50 GB of free disk space and where SupportAssist OS Recovery is available. However, on computers with less than 50 GB of free disk space, you can manually enable the feature in the control panel settings of the operating system.

NOTE:The System Repair feature does not work if there is a hardware failure.

This feature helps you to instantly restore your computer to a previous point in time. Restoring your computer may help in resolving issues caused by virus or malware infections, registry corruption, system file corruption, issues with operating system patches, or drivers.

CAUTION:This feature does not completely protect the program files. The non-Dell applications that are installed on your computer may be removed when the computer is restored to a previous restore point.

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