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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 User's Guide


Creating Operating System Installation Directories On Systems Running Windows Server 2008 Operating System

  • NOTE: The following procedures are provided as best practice guidelines for creating operating system distribution folders compatible with DTK sample scripts. For complete instructions on setting up an installation directory structure for an unattended installation, see your operating system documentation.

To deploy on Windows Server 2008 operating systems:

  1. Create an operating system-specific directory in the root directory of the network share. For example, W2K8_deploy.
  2. Create two directories under the W2K8_deploy directory: sources and < platform name >, for example, PER720. Copy the contents of the operating system media to sources.
    • NOTE: The platform name must be a DTK standard name. To know the platform name, run TKENVSET.BAT located in the x:\Dell\32\Toolkit\Template\Scripts directory, and then run the SET command. In the Details section, see the DT_PLATFORM name.
  3. Under PER720, create two directories: $OEM$ and Out-of-Box Drivers.
  4. Copy all the drivers to W2K8_deploy\PER720\ Out-of-Box Drivers . You can copy each driver to a different sub-folder.
  5. Copy unattend.xml from \Toolkit\Template\Configs to W2K8_deploy\PER720.
    • NOTE: If required, modify the unattend.xml for DiskID under the tags DiskConfiguration and ImageInstall. Default value is 0 for DiskID.
    • NOTE: Make sure that DiskID specified in the unattend.xml is actually available to install the operating system. You can run the DiskPart utility to check disk details.
  6. Boot your system with DTK Windows PE image.
  7. Run the following command to connect the target system to the shared folder W2K8_deploy.
    X:\Dell\Toolkit\Tools net use z: \\<
                                        IP address of the management station>\W2K8_deploy
  8. From your system, run TKENVSET.BAT under \Toolkit\Template\Scripts.
  9. On your system, set the environment variable DT_DRIVE=Z:.
  10. Navigate to Toolkit\Template\Scripts and run W2K8INST.BAT.

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