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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 User's Guide


SYSREP.BAT Or sysrep.sh

The SYSREP.BAT or sysrep.sh sample script applies SYSCFG options to the target system based on configuration information that has been saved in a configuration file. User input is optional to run this script, depending on the variable settings in the SYSREP.BAT or sysrep.sh scripts. This script uses the SYSCFG utility to configure the BIOS and BMC in the target system using the configuration file syscfg.in. The syscfg.in is the first parameter passed to this script. If this parameter is not passed, the default variables values used in this script are set in the SYSREP.BAT or sysrep.sh scripts. The syscfg.ini file is generated with the SYSCAP.BAT or syscap.sh sample script. For information about using the SYSCAP.BAT or syscap.sh sample script to capture BIOS and BMC settings, see SYSCAP.BAT Or syscap.sh. The second parameter is a name or path to a log file. This parameter is not set to any value by default, and no log file is generated.
  • NOTE: If the replication requires a change in the memory redundancy mode, reboot the target server and execute the script again to complete the replication.
  • NOTE: For 9G or later systems, racrep.sh and sysrep.sh have duplicate functions. If you run racrep.sh followed by sysrep.sh, the latter overwrites the former settings.

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