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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 User's Guide


Other Supporting Tools And System Files

While DTK provides all the necessary utilities and scripts for deploying Dell systems, there are more applications, utilities, and system files to create the pre-operating system environment in which this toolkit is used.

The following table lists the Windows system files and other tools to use DTK utilities and its sample scripts.

Table 1. Supporting Tools and System Files for Windows

Additional Tools



Windows AIK for Windows Server 2008 R2 to build Windows PE 3.0

Create a bootable media for Windows PE 3.0.


Windows ADK for Windows Server 2012 to build Windows PE 4.0

Create a bootable media for Windows PE 4.0.


The following table is a matrix of Linux system files and other tools to use with DTK utilities and its sample scripts.

Table 2. Supporting Tools and System Files for Linux

Additional Tools



Save in DTK location


Formats hard-drive partitions.

Any system running the Linux operating system.

In the PATH variable.


To create Master Boot Record (MBR) partitions in BIOS mode.

Any system running the Linux operating system.

In the PATH variable.


To create GUID Partition Table (GPT) in UEFI mode.

Any system running the Linux operating system.

In the PATH variable.


To unzip files in Linux.

Any system running the Linux operating system.

In the PATH variable.


Contains system-specific Dell utility partition files.

  • NOTE: In the previous releases, each Dell system required a unique upimg file. The upimg file is common for all Dell systems.

/opt/dell/toolkit/systems, or the Dell Systems Build and Update Utility on the Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD.

/opt/dell /toolkit/ systems

kernel image

Used during a Linux unattended installation.

Available on the Linux media.

/opt/dell /toolkit /systems/linux

initial ramdisk

Used during a Linux unattended installation.

  • NOTE: For legacy operating systems, you may need to use the driver disk. At the end of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server installation, you may need to install the drivers available on the Systems Build and Update Utility.

Available on the Linux operating system media or on the Systems Build and Update Utility on the Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD.

/opt/dell /toolkit /systems

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