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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 User's Guide


Editing The Sample Batch Files To Perform A Complete System Deployment

The sample scripts utilize DTK utilities, the additional supporting utilities, the source system configuration files, the target system hardware drivers, and the operating system installation files to perform a full deployment on the target system.

The sample scripts provided with DTK can be edited and customized using any ASCII text editor that conforms to the hardware available on the target systems. While it is recommended that you use DTK sample scripts to automate your deployment tasks, you can create your own system deployment batch files using any ASCII text editor by incorporating the various DTK utilities and commands in the batch file.
  • NOTE: For more information about scripting batch files and specific batch file commands, see your Windows PE or Linux operating system documentation.

Each of the utilities, scripts, and system configuration files are described below. Depending on your requirements, you may use all or only some of them in your deployment. You can write your master deployment file to perform a full deployment on a system with the help of utilities, scripts, and configuration files. This file is not provided with the sample scripts.

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