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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 User's Guide


PXE-Based Deployment

The procedure enables you to boot DTK over network and pass parameters (startup script location and name) during boot using the Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE) configuration file. This automatically launches the start-up script off the network share, when DTK is booted.
  1. Obtain the ISO image of the embedded Linux available at support.dell.com.
  2. Set up the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) services and the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) services on your network to boot the target system using PXE.
  3. In BIOS mode, copy the contents of the embedded Linux DTK ISO image ( SA.1, SA.2, and isolinux.cfg) from /mnt/cdrom/isolinux to the tftp folder. In UEFI mode, copy the contents of the embedded Linux DTK ISO image ( SA.1 and SA.2), from /mnt/cdrom/isolinux to the tftp folder.
  4. Edit the configuration file ( isolinux.cfg for BIOS or efidefault for UEFI mode) by providing the following options:
    • IP address of the network share
    • Share path of the network share
    • Name of your startup script
    The isolinux.cfg/ efidefault file is ready for PXE-booting.
  5. Copy isolinux.cfg file into the PXE configuration folder.
  6. Create your own start-up script and place it in the network share specified in your modified isolinux.cfg/ efidefault file. The modified script is picked up and executed during the boot process.
    • NOTE: The network share on which you have the scripts and DTK files are mounted to /opt/dell/toolkit/systems.
    • NOTE: Ensure that you specify the correct RAMDISK size in the PXE config file before booting through PXE. A sample pxe config file is provided in /mnt/cdrom/isolinux/isolinux.cfg.

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